Ya, I know... I am just plain horrible at updating. There is no excuse for it, other than the fact that I just don't have that much going on.
I need to catch back up on my Thankful Thursdays, and I plan to do that, buttttt, my other excuse for not updating that I am really trying to spend less time on the ole' interweb. I know, not very conducive to a successful blog, but I'm trying.
Let's get right into my lack of stuff going on, with a thoroughly unexciting update on the goals I set at the beginning of the year.
1. Lose 25 Pounds - HAHAHAHA, I think I've lost 5, which is something, but really... I could be making a better effort. I've lost the last 3 since I started back to work full time, so hopefully that keeps working.
2. Read 25 books - I'm actually doing pretty well on this one.
Here's what I've read thus far:
Peter Pan
Sookie Stackhouse Novel 8
Sookie Stackhouse Novel 9
Percy Jackson and The Olympians - The Lightning Thief
... I think that's it... but I'm pretty much on track, I think.
3. Take my GRE's and apply for a Masters program - no.. just no.
4. Get (and stay) pregnant (for 9 months... then bring home a baby) - hmmm, lemme check... no annnddd no. No progress, no pregnancy, no money... no
5. Get Myself Back to Church - I've been attending a bible study, but have yet to get back to an actual service... I am sooo antisocial!!
6. Be An Infertility Awareness Advocate - Every gosh darn day!! I haven't made any really awesome, world changing steps with this, but it is something that I talk about, and hopefully I've helped at least one person become more aware.
7. Start My Book - Still no... I mean, I have some materials and even a concept map of sorts, but nothing further.
And there ya have it. My very uninteresting update.
Other random things...
I've started to crochet a scarf (woo hoo!). I actually learned to crochet a couple of years ago, but never really pursued it, now with some free time on my hands it just seemed like the thing to do. I've got about 2.5-3 feet of a cute gray scarf happening. Hopefully I finish it.
Today I found a new obsession... ancestry dot com... thanks to Kate for introducing me to this hour wasting awesomeness :)
And a final word (or words)... being out of school is strange. Just working, with no studying or homework or paper grading is crazy!!! So much free time!!!
I am loving it! lol.
I actually have a really good blog to write, but it'll take time and emotions, so I am saving it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
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My Aunt Jane Knows More Than My RE ----- I stole this from C :D
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