I've been meaning to post pictures since our anatomy scan... and I am going to be that type of person who posts their baby's parts online. Probably makes me a bad mom already, butttttt you'll all just have to get over it ;)
So... picture #1, not the greatest profile since
Next picture... yup, I'm doing it. Here's his boy parts.
And, finally, here is a new belly picture. Taken just moments ago in fact. Definitely moving past the "maybe she's just getting fat" phase of pregnancy.
I've been feeling pretty good. School is OUTTT FORRR SUMMMAAAA, so that's always nice. What's not so nice... the fact that at this point I don't have a job lined up for Fall. Someday I hope that education will be a priority again, and that teachers will have jobs... and classrooms won't have 35 students in them... anddddd that's another story.
Back to how I'm feeling in regards to pregnancy:
How's the baby? Well, I can only assume from his NON STOP movements that he's doing well. I still freak out EVERY day that something bad will happen, but I want to believe this is real. Maybe once he's here I'll know it's real... although I guess I know I won't ever stop worrying...
I've got more to write... including a post about the baby shower that my class threw for me, that was the CUTEST thing EVER!! EVER! But, I want to sleep now.
Bye Lovelies :)