Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to the Third Trimester...

Here's a full body rash as a welcome gift. Yea... because what every pregnant woman needs is more crazy medical shiznit. On Monday or Tuesday (I really can't remember which) I noticed I had an itchy rash on my upper arms... the next day it was on my legs... now it's down my arms, down my legs, all over my thighs and starting on my belly. NEAT. Real Neat. I went to my doc and my OB... both of whom weren't really sure what to make of it. They think it COULD be contact dermatitis, or PUPP (preggo rash) OR a medication reaction... so really, it could be many things, they just aren't sure which. I did get a referral to a dermatologist, so we'll see how that goes. Mostly now I'm just itchy, and it's hot out, and I look kinda like a lizard.
Okay, not that I have gotten that out of the way... let's get to the exciting stuff... I'm in my THIRD TRIMESTER!! HOLY WOW! 12 weeks-ish left until I get to meet this crazy little monster. I absolutely love, love, LOVE feeling him moving all the time. Even if that means I am awake at 3am while he kicks my tummy hard enough to make it sore to the touch. It is SOOOOO worth it. We are hopefully painting the nursery within the next week, and maybe getting the nursery furniture within the next couple of weeks.
I still feel like, in a lot of ways, I am stuck in infertility/loss mode, and am putting stuff off that I should be getting together. Even though it is all feeling more real, I still wake up every day thinking something horrible will happen. I REALLY hope that feeling goes away soon. I have been steadily increasing the dose of meds I am on for a health issue over the past few weeks after I totally got caught by my OB for not taking the dose I was supposed to, I was just taking a couple (hundred) mg's less that prescribed... oops. Taking these meds while pregnant FREAKS me out to no end. But, I have reached the dose I'll be staying on, so that makes me fairly happy.
How am I feeling otherwise? Pretty decent. Sleep is crappy still, but it's Summer, I'm not working so it's manageable. In the last couple of weeks I have started to get a bit uncomfy, I def have a pregnancy body. As my husband so eloquently put it the other day "you totally look pregnant now, not just fat". Thanks husband :)
My mind is still pretty much broken, which made writing a research paper to finish up this semester of my Masters program super fun. Otherwise I'm feeling decent, and being super thankful that the last week has been relatively cool for a California Summer.
I can only assume that the baby is doing well... Like I said, he moves around like crazy, and I'm measuring correctly, and his heartbeat is good, and he's head down... so all those things bode well :)
Coming up in my future (other than the arrival of my little boy, hehe):
3D/4D ultrasound, hopefully within the next couple of week
My baby shower at the end of August
Childbirth classes, hospital tours, pediatrician picking... OH MY!

Things are definitely starting to get interesting!!
And, before I go... here is an new belly shot... also, sorry for not updating for a month... Oops, I'll try and be better about that!!


My Aunt Jane Knows More Than My RE ----- I stole this from C :D

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