Saturday, August 14, 2010

Slacking... But What Else is New.

I know, again and again I say that I am the worst blogger, but I never change. And in reality, I guess the WORST blogger would create a blog and then never write at all, so maybe I'm just sort of the bad, haha.

Not too much is new on the baby front. We are hopefully going to start cycling next month, but it's not for sure... because....

I GOT A TEACHING JOB!!! That's right! It might only be a half year job, but it MIGHT go longer. Either way, it's a consistent job teaching sixth grade (the grade I was scared to teach). Now, granted I've only had 3 days with these kiddos, and it's probably still our "honeymoon period" but so far, so good! I am loving it. I like the dynamic of a sixth grade room, and I LOVE the curriculum! This will be the week we really start getting into the real work and I am psyched!

Also on the academic front, I am starting a masters program. That, I believe, was one of my goals for the year, and if all goes well I should be admitted and starting the real work in the next couple of weeks. I am really excited to get this started, and excited to have a classroom to work in, rather than having to volunteer.

That's just about it for me right now. I'm still wanting to start treatment next month... the only thing that would stop us is if I feel too stressed from teaching, but I'm hoping I can use the next couple of weeks to decide on that. The possibility of treatment gives me so much hope, and having a steady job gives me even more. I am so excited about stuff right now, it's a great feeling.

I see good things in the near future!

1 comment:

My Aunt Jane Knows More Than My RE ----- I stole this from C :D

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