Tuesday, May 10, 2011

19 Weeks... say what!?!

So, yet again I've waited a month in between blog posts. Bad me! So, what's going on? Here is a short update:

1) My belly at 18 weeks... I haven't taken a pic this week.

There is definitely something happening in there! Speaking of which...

2)Baby Movement! All the time! I started getting the little flutters around 17 weeks, and in the last week there have been some definite kicks, some of which can be seen and felt outside my tummy. So strange, but so so amazing!!

3) BABY PICTURE!! It's from our 16 week (surprise) ultrasound. Sometimes it's really good to know people who work at the hospital!


SO AMAZING to see the little babe-a-roo wiggling around in there. The doc took a long time looking at the baby... we got to see it's little fingers and toes and it's little alien looking face :)
The doc tried to see the gender, but baby was not being cooperative! She did see enough to make a tentative guess, but I don't want to give that away yet!
I'm posting a poll on the side to see what you guys think

4) Our anatomy scan is ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!! Ahhh!!! So exciting! Of course I'm nervous, but mostly just excited, and PRAYING that baby will be cooperative so I can start buying stuff :) If it's a girl, the first stop after the doc's will be to Targ.et, where there are outfits I already have to buy!

lastly, and this one is mostly just funny
5) I told my class of 6th graders that I was going to have a baby... and by told I mean they all knew, and finally confronted me about it hahaha. They are much more observant that I thought, even sighting how I had "lots of doctors appointments, but didn't seem sick". They have been very cute about the whole thing, and ask me questions about it all the time. AND they are always offering to carry stuff for me, can't beat that!

Hope everyone is well!! Take a look at the poll, and make your guess!


  1. Hooray for movements, and hooray for your upcoming scan- can't wait to hear more good news!

  2. Because there is no option for "girl who may grow a pen.is," I just chose girl...

  3. Oh Tori I'm so excited for you guys. Aren't movements the best? Sure makes things a lot more reassuring. :) Can't wait to hear next weeks results. You better not wait a month to post them!

  4. i chose a girl because i think they're awesome as the first born. :-) but honestly, either way they are gonna be spoiled rotten! congrats on making it this far! i can't wait to meet your baby!


My Aunt Jane Knows More Than My RE ----- I stole this from C :D

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