Monday, July 20, 2009

Nothing New...

Well, I am trying to be a good blogger, and am updating even though I don't have anything that great to share.

Things going on for me...

1) Work - Teaching swim lessons is the easiest fall back job to have. I'm so glad I've been fortunate enough to have a steady summer job... we sure need the money!!

2) School - ONLY 3 WEEKS till school is back in, I can't believe it! Summer has gone by pretty fast, and while I'm not looking forward to the lack of paychecks once school is back in, I am looking forward to student teaching. I'm stoked about a new class of fifth graders, and I'm even more stoked that it'll be my last semester!! I'll have my credentials in Dec!! I probably won't have a job... but I'll be qualified...

3) Fertility - Not much going on here. We have an appointment with our RE this Friday to discuss the whole process of Donor Insemination (DI). We know the basic process, but we have questions, so I'm hoping that we can get some answers. I'm really hoping that they'll give us a list of Cyrobanks that they recommend, since we have no idea where to start looking. We did find a Hubby asked if there was a "SpermMart" as well, and if they had better prices (oh jokey Husband).

At this point Husband is still out of a job, although he has been working really hard to remedy that, and has a good strong lead on one job (we are hoping and praying that it works out), we can't start any fertility treatments until he's working.

I've been trying to be super good about getting in shape, although my "weight loss ticker" hasn't moved much, lol.

What Husband and I really need is a weekend away!! We've been so stressed, and Hubby has been so down :( It's taking a lot of my emotional strength to not break down, and to stay strong with him, but it has been TOUGH!! I'm hoping things start getting better, and I'm trying to keep the faith, and put my trust in God, but wowzers, it just get's rougher and rougher! I guess it's always darkest before the dawn, right? That's what I'm hoping for at least...

Hope everyone has a great week!!

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My Aunt Jane Knows More Than My RE ----- I stole this from C :D

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